Barrier Tape

Create temporary barriers to hazardous areas

  • Durable and easy to apply to inside or outside areas.
  • Red and white striped means the tape is highly visible.
  • Strong non-adhesive polyethylene barrier tape for industrial environments.


Part Number Size Colour Weight (kg) Price Request
BT130301 76.2 mm x 500 m Red/White 1.8 Request Price

Technical Specification

Material PE
Roll Length 500 m
Environmental Resistance Suitable for indoor and outdoor environments
Typical Applications Temporary construction barrier
COO (Country of Origin) IT


Product Information



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Our red and white barrier tape is popular within the construction industry for creating temporary barriers due to being strong. The barrier tape is manufactured from polyethylene and is non-adhesive. Each roll contains 500m of tape and is ideal for industrial environments. Tape is an easy way to create barriers and isolate hazardous areas for employees or the public. See our full range of Safety Products.

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